GMGC Multan

Principal's Message

Welcome to Govt Associate college for women Muzaffrabad Multan

As the Principal of this pretigious institute, I am both honored and delighted to extend my warmest greetings to our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. Our college is a vibrant and dynamic institution where academic excellence, innovation, and community spirit thrive.

Warm regards,

Fariha Asghar Rao
Govt Associate college for women Muzaffrabad Multan

Our Mission and Vision

At this college , our mission is to empower our female students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become responsible, independent and engaged citizens in a rapidly changing world. We envision a community where education is a lifelong journey of discovery and growth, and where every individual is encouraged to reach their full potential.

Dedicated Faculty and Staff

Our faculty members are more than just educators; they are mentors, researchers, and leaders in their respective fields. Their passion for teaching and commitment to student success are evident in the personalized attention they provide. Our supportive staff also play a crucial role in creating a nurturing and efficient learning environment.

Extracurricular Activities

Life at Muzaffrabad college extends beyond the classroom. We encourage our students to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities that enhance their educational experience. Whether it’s sports, debates, art, gardening or athletics there are countless ways to get involved and groom the blooming personalities of our students.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

We are proud of our diverse and inclusive community. Muzaffrabad college is a place where individuals from all backgrounds and sects come together to learn from one another and celebrate our differences. We are committed to fostering a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Innovation and Research

Our commitment to innovation and research is at the core of our academic mission. We encourage our students and faculty to pursue groundbreaking research that addresses real-world challenges. Our state-of-the-art facilities including well equipped science and computer labs, smart classroom and resources provide the perfect setting for innovative thinking and discovery.

Future Prospects

As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to our core values of excellence, inclusivity, and community. We are continually exploring new ways to enhance our academic offerings, improve our campus facilities, and expand our outreach efforts.

For prospective students, I encourage you to explore what Muzaffrabad college has to offer and consider joining our institute. For current students, faculty, and staff, I urge you to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you and continue to strive for excellence. For our alumni, thank you for your continued support and engagement.

Thank you for visiting our website. I invite you to explore the wealth of information available here and discover what makes Muzaffrabad college a unique and inspiring place to learn and grow.


Government Associate college for women Muzaffarabad Multan was established in 2017. The college has a beautiful, spacious and green campus covering 22 canal land. it has Well equipped science and computer Labs, smart classroom, Day Care Centre, Career Counselling centre, Library, Dispensary and Sports Ground.The college has earned excellent repute in the area for its academic excellence, co curricular activities and clean n green environment. The well qualified staff of the college is committed to achieve new heights of academic performance and promote modern teaching methods especially collaborative learning.

Programs We're offering at GMGC

Admission Procedure

Admission to the college will be on the dates specified by the Board of Secondary Education. Admission form issued by the college
is filled, which is enclosed with this prospectus.
Admission of students depends on the criteria and conditions set by the college. The principal of the college has the final authority to admit or not to admit any student.



Examination Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education These examinations are conducted after the completion of every academic year under the supervision of the Board of Secondary Education. To participate in them, it is necessary that every student has completed 75% of the lectures delivered in each subject. In case of non-attendance of 75%, admission (board/university) will not be sent. According to the government directive, the admission of two or more than two F grades will not be sent.

College Exam

In case of illness, the said student has to get the medical certificate from the MS of the government hospital and submit it in time, otherwise the student will be considered as a failure. Furthermore, the student will be bound to appear for the examination after becoming healthy. If a student is caught cheating in any college examination, he will have to appear before the college council and the decision of the college council will be final and cannot be challenged in any court.

Our Facilites & Core Features

General Rules and Regulations of the College

The purpose of education is the development of a person’s personality and the formation and construction of his character. Therefore, it is important that the behavior and attitude of the students should always be like a respectable citizen and a responsible individuals. It is important for every student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college. The management reserves the right to expel from the college or give appropriate punishment to any student whose behavior is unsatisfactory, who is undisciplined, or who neglects his duties. Students should keep in mind that the jurisdiction of the college administration regarding the student of the college shall prevail at all times.

Scholarships and fee waivers

The Principal is empowered to waive half the tuition fee of 10% of the admissions to the college. Apart from this, the college provides financial assistance to the poor and deserving students through Red Crescent and Zakat funds. Apart from this, the district council and philanthropists also provide full financial support to the deserving students. Scholarships and fee concessions are withdrawn if a student shows unsatisfactory results in examinations or is persistently absent from college or his general behavior is not up to the standard.

Library and Study

The college library has books on various subjects. Every year their number is increasing. Standard newspapers are provided in college library
College magazine
 The college publishes its magazine “Subh-e-Muzaffar” to highlight the academic and literary skills of the students and to develop their writing skills. In it there are writings by students and teachers and students also perform editorial duties under the supervision of teachers.

Physical training and sports

Participation of students in sports is compulsory. The college has all the limited sports facilities. Annual sports competitions are organized in the college every year. Cricket, Football, Badminton, Table Tennis and Kabaddi teams participate in competitions organized by the board.

Medical facilities

Medical examination of the college students is done from time to time. Special attention is given to these students. For those who need treatment. The college has a Dispensary is well-equiped in providing first aid to the students when needed


All those students who perform outstandingly in board and college examinations or in sports are awarded prizes on the occasion of the annual prize distribution meeting. Apart from this, special awards and certificates of distinction are also given to students who have distinguished and unique status in curricular activities.

What Makes GACW Muzaffarabad Multan Special?

Proctorial Board

A Board of Proctors of the College has been established which consists of students who possess the most diligent and managerial skills and are selected from responsible, suitable students of various classes. All these members perform some administrative functions under the direction of the college management. The members of the Proctoral Board assist their teachers in enforcing the rules and regulations of the college and performing administrative matters in college functions. The board is headed by a college teacher who is supported by other teachers.

Tutorial groups

A smart classroom is recently established in college which is an advanced form of a classroom with smart interactive board and multimedia along with Internet access. it makes learning easy and interesting for stdents. It increases teachers efficiency by equippng them with modern tools of teaching.

Scientific and literary organizations

Various societies of subjects are established in the college. Their aim is to develop the power of speech in the students, to inculcate a sense of civic responsibility, to highlight their hidden and dream abilities and to develop interest in studying their subjects. The annual program is drawn up at the beginning of the academic year and officers are nominated for the current year. Each society works under the supervision of a teacher of the respective subject.

Meet Our Qualified Staff

Address way

Multan, Punjab 59201

Contact info

Mobile: 0308 7583020

College Hours

Monday - Saturday 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Sunday : OFF